The school is now closed - we hope you all have a good summer.


Curriculum Intent 
Our aim is to equip children to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world, using the ever-changing and progressing technologies available to them. We aim to raise the aspirations of the children, ensuring our pupils are ready to succeed in the digital world.  
Curriculum Implementation
Computing is taught discretely but also with strong links to Maths (Times Tables rockstars), Science and Design Technology (Raspbery Pi / BBC MicroBit) and Geography (DigiMap). The core of computing is computer science; understanding how information technology and digital systems work and how to put this knowledge to use through programming. We use programmable toys and age-appropriate programming software to understand how we can create, affect and change elements of the world around us. Children need to be digitally literate (be able to use and express themselves and develop ideas through IT) for the future workplace; we learn how to present and share our ideas in a variety of ways, including communication and blogging, use of multimedia, and giving successful presentations via both laptop, desktop and touchscreen tablet. A vital aspect of our curriculum is to demonstrate responsible online safety to enable them to be safe and active participants in a digital world; our learning platforms of STARZplus and Office 365 will help children to acquire these essential skills.  
Curriculum Impact 
The impact of the Computing curriculum is measured in several ways. Computing delivery is monitored through Lesson Observations, Data Analysis, Book Scrutiny, Pupil Voice and Learning Environment reviews. Feedback is given to class teachers to ensure that teaching practice is supported and improved. These measures help to monitor the curriculum and raise the aspirations of the children, ensuring our pupils are ready for a digital world.