The school is now closed - we hope you all have a good summer.

Foundation Subjects

On this page you will find out details of what we are teaching at Brampton and how key skills and knowledge are developed each year.

History is ‘brought to life’ by the active engagement of children in historical enquiry through drama, visits, interviews and the use of a range of sources, including artefacts, for research. Children study the lives of people, past and present, and key events, in order to develop a sense of chronology and an understanding of where they have come from. Diverse experiences and contributions of communities and individuals from a range of backgrounds to British history, society and culture are considered; and a thoughtful, enquiring approach to interpreting the past is encouraged, so children become better informed citizens of the world, with a greater understanding of the value of inclusion, similarity and difference.

Children are taught the skills of geographical enquiry and use maps, photographs, digital technologies, globes and first hand fieldwork to answer key questions including: Where is this place? What is it like? How and why is it changing? How does this place compare with other places? How and why are places connected? In global citizenship children earn about the interaction between physical and human processes, and of the formation and use of landscapes and environments. They also consider the effect that man has on the environment and how, as citizens, they have a responsibility to look after it.

Key concepts include:

Locational knowledge  (naming, locating places, countries, things of geographical significance (equator etc)

Place knowledge(comparing geographical features of 2 places)

Human and physical geography

Geographical skills and fieldwork  (using  maps etc compass use, grid references. Local area – observe, measure, record human and physical features.)

Art, for most children, is a natural form of expression, a means of communication and a source of great pleasure. Art helps children to observe, and interact with, their environment and to develop a sense of wonder and curiosity about the world. At Brampton Village Primary children are encouraged to experiment with and investigate a wide range of media such as pencils, pastels, paint, charcoal, print, textiles and clay and to learn about the place of art and artists, both past and present.

Music plays an important part in the life of the school; it is an expressive subject and pupils are encouraged to be creative through music making. We aim to encourage and develop the children’s understanding and enjoyment of music through active involvement in singing, performing, composing and listening.

Children are encouraged to develop their talents and enthusiasm through extra curricular activities. A children’s choir and orchestra meet weekly. Peripatetic teachers visit the school and give lessons on the piano, recorder, flute, clarinet, violin, guitar, percussion and a variety of brass instruments. Full details of instrumental music lessons are available from the office.

Problem solving is at the heart of Design and Technology and it can be one of the few subjects where there is no right answer. The children draw inspiration and ideas from reflecting on existing products and apply this knowledge to creatively solving real and relevant problems within a variety of contexts, considering their own and others’ needs, wants and values. The subject provides opportunity for collaboration, creativity and risk taking – skills that are essential for life long learning.


Through our high-quality Physical Education (PE) curriculum, we aim to inspire all pupils with a love of physical activity and sport through an understanding of healthy lifestyles, access to a wide range of activities and participation in different competitive opportunities.  All children, regardless of starting point, will be supported to achieve their personal best and develop core skills that will provide the foundations for life-long physical activity.  We aim for all children to leave Brampton physically active and with an awareness of how P.E. and sport can enrich their future lives.

Pupils in Key Stage 1 develop fundamental movement skills, become increasingly competent and confident; they have access to a broad range of opportunities to extend their agility, balance and coordination, individually and with others. Pupils in Key Stage 2 continue to apply and develop a broader range of skills; they have opportunities to enjoy communicating, collaborating and competing with each other.

Children in Year 3 receive swimming instruction at the local swimming pool whilst pupils in Years 4 and 6 have the opportunity to go on residential trips. The latter incorporate elements of outdoor and adventurous activities which enhance our PE curriculum. Brampton School is part of the Hinchingbrooke School Sports Partnership so specialist sports coaches teach units of work in PE from time to time.

The school runs a variety of extra curricular sports clubs. Children attending these clubs often compete against other local schools in tournaments or friendly matches as part of the School Games proforma.

In Modern Foreign Languages we teach Spanish in Key Stage 2 so that they are taught to develop an interest in learning other languages in a way that is enjoyable and stimulating. We encourage children’s confidence and creative skills. We strive to stimulate and encourage children’s curiosity about language. We help children develop their awareness of cultural differences in other countries. We strive to embed the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing skills necessary to enable children to use and apply their Spanish learning in a variety of contexts and lay the foundations for future language learning. The choice of Spanish links with our local Secondary School to enable a smooth transition for the children when they move on.