The school is now closed - we hope you all have a good summer.


We are always pleased to welcome new Service families to our school. We recognise that there are often specific issues or concerns that need to be addressed.  At Brampton we work closely with Sigrid Hillman, Community Development Officer at RAF Wyton. If you wish to speak to her, please contact the school for further details.
To help new children from Service Families whilst they are with us we have a Transition Mentor, Mrs Powlson, who also works at the school as one of our Teaching Assistants. The money we receive from the Service Premium enables us to provide support for transition and emotional well-being. Parents are welcome to contact Mrs Powlson via email, It is always useful to know when parents may be deployed or away from home for extended periods so that children can be supported.
Our School Business Manager, Mrs Dachs, is available for periods during the summer holidays if advice needs to be sought about admission to the school. She can be contacted via email,
Each term we arrange a Forum for Service families which enables them to meet each other informally as well as staff from school and RAF Wyton.
Use of the Service Premium we receive is reviewed by Governors. The support that is put in place for Service Children, including support for transition and emotional well-being, has proved largely effective in enabling them to make good progress and to attain well in relation to their peers.
The attainment of Service Children at the end of KS2 2022 was above the average for the whole cohort. Attainment in the Y1 Phonics Screening Check was also above whilst outcomes at the end of Key Stage 1 were in line or above with the whole cohort.