
Personal, Social, Health Education (Including RSE)

Curriculum Intent

PSHE (Personal, Social, Health Education) teaches children to value themselves, to begin to develop personal values and to be aware of, and respond to, the needs of others. We aim to help equip children with the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to keep themselves safe, leading healthy, independent lives. Through PSHE, children will have the opportunity to become informed, active and responsive citizens.


Curriculum Implementation

The PSHE curriculum is taught within:

  • Designated class time
  • Enrichment activities e.g. Circle Time
  • Other subjects e.g. e-safety through the computing curriculum
PSHE is taught through the following broad key concepts:
  • Myself and My Relationships
  • Citizenship
  • Healthy Lifestyles


Drugs Education is taught as part of Healthy Lifestyles and focuses on personal safety and keeping safe. It is taught through PSHE lessons. The teaching of drug education adheres to statutory requirements and local community policy.

With regard to Relationship and Sex Education (RSE), the school has a policy of answering children’s questions as they occur during classroom discussions so that they find out about growing and changing, both physical and emotional, in a natural and caring learning environment. Parents are always given the opportunity to discuss the details of the programme and view the resources used before sex education begins. At Brampton, we teach all the statutory requirements for sex education and some elements beyond this to meet the needs of our pupils. Parents may withdraw children from those elements which are not required to be taught. For more information, please refer to the school’s Relationships and Sex Education policy. Such a request should be made to the Headteacher in writing.