The school is now closed - we hope you all have a good summer.


Hello and welcome to all parents and carers!

 We wanted to welcome you to the Brampton Village Primary School PTA, provide some useful information both in terms of immediate things that may be helpful to you, a guide to who the PTA are and how you can get involved.

The PTA (or Parent Teacher Association to give it its full name) is an integral part of the school community with the focus of supporting the school through organising fun events and activities for children and their parents and raising funds to help cover costs like subsidising school trips and improving equipment and resources to enhance our children’s education.

By having a child at the school, you’re already part of the PTA community.

Our PTA committee is made up of parents and carers. We’re always looking for new people to get involved and you can choose to get involved as little or as much as you would like but obviously, the more people we have to help the easier it is for everyone and responsibilities can be shared out. Donating just 30 minutes of your time to the PTA is invaluable - every little helps and many hands make light work!

Our Facebook page is a great way to keep up to date or get in contact so please join the group; search Brampton PTA (Brampton Village School Parent Teacher Association) or the link is here:

PTA Facebook Page



A key part of the PTA is organising fun events for both the children at the school and their parents. This year, some of our events have included:

  • Cake Fridays: Once a term a Cake Sale straight after school with one set of classes providing cakes and the weekend kick started with a sweet treat
  • Discos: Everyone loves a dance so back in January and again in just a few weeks’ time, each year group will have a chance to have a boogie with all their friends
  • Raffles: Twice a year we run a Raffle with loads of great prizes from local businesses allowing us to raise money for the school
  • Competitions: For World Book Day, the children were asked to draw their favourite book character with prizes for the winners and funds from the sponsor

If you can spare a little time and help the PTA raise the vital funds needed to make the above happen, then please come along to our next meeting and find out a little more. Alternatively, please email or see our Facebook page.