The school is now closed - we hope you all have a good summer.

Helping Your Child

Supporting Children’s Learning

Research shows that active parental involvement in a child’s education is a more powerful force than family size, social class or the level of parental education, for raising children’s levels of achievement. We welcome parents into school believing that we are partners in the education of your children.

There are many opportunities for parents to become involved in the work of the school and to gain a greater understanding of that work. Parents are invited to attend concerts, sharing assemblies, Christmas productions and sporting events. Many parents spend some time each week helping in classrooms working with small groups of children or individuals. This work may involve reading, cooking, technology or other craft work. Parents also regularly accompany children on educational visits. If you are interested in becoming involved, please contact your child’s teacher.

Regular parent newsletters, termly class letters and the school website aim to keep you up to date with events and the curriculum.


In English

Make time to chat. Use real situations to develop discussion, to encourage imagination and to share experiences. Use travelling, cooking or shopping times to talk, tell stories, listen to tapes or sing nursery rhymes. Share books and read widely with your child. Computer screens can trigger the urge to read! Encourage your child to follow a recipe, read instructions, find telephone numbers and have fun with words. Encourage your child to write shopping lists, thank you letters, postcards, invitations, keep a diary, write labels, and write messages to friends and family.

In Maths

Teach counting rhymes from a very early age, read stories where numbers, size and shape are included, count stairs, steps – anything! Help your child to be aware of and tell the time. Play board games together. Discuss prices and sizes as you shop at the supermarket. Add up money and work out change. Encourage your child to budget using his / her pocket money. Develop their cooking skills while emphasising weights and measures. Use different containers at bath times to find out which holds the most.

In Science

You can encourage care and curiosity about our environment, share the process of cooking, see the uses of heat and energy to enable melting and freezing. Help to find out those questions like ‘Why is the sea salty?’ and ‘Why and where does the tide go out?’ through research in books and on the Internet.

In History and Geography

Share stories about historical figures such as Henry VIII. Talk to older relatives about their memories and visit places of historical interest together.

Find out where a range of food comes from. Use globes and atlases, the Internet and Google Earth. Show children how to follow instructions and interpret road signs and symbols in their every day environment. Read a map on a car journey or make a map for a treasure hunt.

In Creative Arts

Sing with your child and listen to a wide range of music. Make pictures and cards for the family. Use natural materials and everyday objects to make models. Provide a range of constructional toys for both boys and girls. Involve your children in finding practical solutions for problems at home, talk through your ideas.