The school is now closed - we hope you all have a good summer.

Information and Documents

Brampton Kids Club offers childcare on the school premises from 8:00am until school and then again, from after school until 6:00pm, at the latest.

For those families that have already submitted Childcare Request Forms, and who have already spoken with Nic Evans (owner), those requests have been entered into our database and formal offers will be made to you in the next few weeks.

Spaces currently remain available from September 2021 and confirmed offers will only be made to additional new families once the completed Childcare Request Forms have been emailed to  or handed in to the Club.

 Places are offered on a 'first come, first served' basis.  Subject to no major change in circumstance, childcare places remain secure until your child reaches the age of 12 years.

 For further information please go to

 Thank you.